GIZARTEGUNE: Refugee people. Their Rights. Our Duties
This is an opportunity for sharing, reflection, debate and development of contents on the drama of refugees, EU asylum policy, international protection and the legal and ethical requirements on these humanitarian crises.
Participants will include a number of experts on the subject such as JAVIER DE LUCAS, lecturer at the University of Valencia, the Syrian psychiatrist and expert on migrations NABIL SAYED AHMAD BEIRUTI and MARTA GARCÍA CIENFUEGOS, Head of Department Protection of ACNUR Spain. It will also be attended by NICOLÁS CASTELLANO, journalist of SER radio station and migration expert.
A number of experienced NGO representatives will also contribute their views and work experiences such as Clara Bajo, coordinator of SAVE THE CHILDREN’s Child Migrants programme, Fátima Cabello, responsible for coordination and follow-up at International Emergency Response Units in various humanitarian crises with INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS or Javier Galparsoro, director of CEAR-BASQUE COUNTRY.
Registration is free but confirmation of attendance is required through garapena or on Tel: 94 406 7789.