3rd International Conference on Social Work. “Social Work: the art of creating links”
The 3rd International Conference “Social Work: The art of creating links” will be held at the San Sebastian campus of the University of Deusto on 26, 27 and 28 October 2016.
The programme includes paper presentations, dialogues and roundtable discussions that will be attended by leading experts on the conference theme: The strength of relational links.
Me gustaría asistir a el El III Congreso Internacional “Trabajo Social: arte para generar vínculos”, trabajo en el Ayuntamiento de Salcedo un municipio del Ecuador. Solicito muy comedidamente se me envie la invitación a mi correo, con los siguientes datos. Lcdo. Klever Zapata Vega, Director de Desarrollo Social del Ayuntamiento de Salcedo.