UNIC CityLabs Festival

UNIC CityLabs Festival
04/25/2023 – 04/26/2023
08:30 – 17:30
As part of the UNIC Alliance, the University of Deusto will host on April 25th and 26th the UNIC CityLabs Festival. This event aims to bring together universities and cities to share experiences, common challenges and co-create innovative ways to generate social impact in our cities and communities through experiential activities.

On April 26th the event will be open to the UD university community and the citizens of Bilbao. Participants will have the opportunity to participate in specific sessions with the other 9 delegations of the universities that conform to the UNIC Alliance. The activities will consist of a post-industrial tour through the past, present and future of Bilbao. Four sites have been selected to allow participants to learn more about the local culture, language and history will be visited: 


  • The river: from an industrial past to a natural axis of development
  • Zorrozaurre: island of knowledge and sustainable development
  • Cultural Drivers: international urban references and avant-garde projects 
  • Bilbao: city of events and Basque identity


The visits will be complemented by subsequent workshops to compare and share the challenges of Bilbao with the experiences and responses provided by the other cities of the UNIC Alliance.

Full program: this website

Registration: free through this link (deadline: 3rd April)

Language: English

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