Webinar: How to integrate digital murals into your courses

Webinar: How to integrate digital murals into your courses
17:00 – 18:00
Digital murals are a very interesting resource to integrate into online courses and to encourage participation in face-to-face contexts. They allow many possibilities, depending on our objectives: a creative option to present oneself in the team, to answer a question, to share images and other resources, etc.  In this session, we will learn about the options offered by Padlet, a simple and versatile tool with which we will learn how to create the digital murals and we will see some examples of how to use them in our courses.

We invite you to participate in the webinar series on online teaching organised by the Deusto Online Unit at the University of Deusto. They are mainly designed for lecturers who are interested in continuing to learn about online teaching and prepare for these new ways of doing, teaching, learning, collaborating, etc. in digital environments.

Come and join us!

You can sign up on this link.

For further information, please write to deusto.online@deusto.es 

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