Webinar: Business Innovation in the 21st century

Webinar: Business Innovation in the 21st century
18:00 – 19:00
Online. Online
Growth versus sustainability, innovating versus operating, change versus continuity, collaboration versus competition, complexity versus simplicity, heart versus mind…nowadays, leaders need to do things simultaneously that are commonly considered to be contradictions.

Therefore, the biggest challenge facing those who want to succeed in the complex and fast-moving world, is learning to embrace these paradoxes.

In order to share some examples and insights on how to overcome these situations, Deusto Business School invites you to attend the webinar “Business Innovation in the 21st century“, on December 18, at 6:00 pm (CET).

This online masterclass, which will be taught by the Innovation Leadership Forum creator and professor? of the Master in Business Innovation??, Dr Bettina von Stamm, is held in the framework of Deusto Business School’s Innovation Programmes.

Register now

For further information:
Eva Eguiguren
Email: eva.eguiguren@deusto.es
+34 91 57761 89

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